I returned mid way through season of the haunted and was looking to complete my unbroken title. This is after the announcements was made in March and I didn’t learn until yesterdays twab. I have expressed my disappointment with bungie and destiny content creators failure to bring this up as if I got legend in season or haunted (I all most did) and season of plunder I would be unbroken. I have been met with nothing but vitriol and have realized that everyone in the destiny community is horrible. I have decided that in the future I will intentionally grief new and returning players.
I will:
•not tell them about Ada 1 mods (they take moths to reappear)
•tell them the mods are useless and a waste of time if they ask
•kick them from raids just seconds before the end of the final boss damage phase
•leave glory matches before the end of season of plunder (they can’t win a 2v3)
•misinform players on what is being sunset and what isn’t
•tell players their god rolls are bad and ought to delete them
•Urge then to play their bright dust on garbage because “it’s really easy to obtain”
•just give them bad builds
•do any thing else that just makes the experience bad for new players
Just seem like A child acting out…
[quote]this community is bad![/quote] [quote]also proceeds to do his best to be the worst member of the community [/quote] Destiny players are actually stupid.
Villain arc? More like khunt
Gr8 b8 m8 no h8
What a crappy villain. Lol
I tend to agree with the whole 'if you can't beat them, join them " but not in this case. I'm sorry you've had some toxic encounters, sadly we all get it at some point (not that it's okay) but be better than them and don't lower yourself to being an -blam!-hat. Especially not to new players. Youll just inflict onto others the feeling you have right now and that's not fair and you know it's not nice.
If you are going to do this, just leave Destiny again 👍
Problem: Destiny community is too toxic. Solution: Encourage toxicity in new players and make the game as unappealing as possible to players that aren’t toxic. Makes sense to me.