Why is it that there's no priority system in place for items in the postmaster? Just lost a whole stack of enhancement Prisms after a few attempts at a GM filled my postmaster with useless blues and umbrals. It's not like I'm dying for Prisms or anything, but I've also lost ascendant shards in the past from the same thing. Inventory management needs a massive overhaul IMO.
Edit: I know that it's first in, first out. I'm talking about an actual priority system that will first get rid of lower quality stuff. We can't all spend all of our upgrade mats all of the time
Swat The Bot
17 years in the Bungie community - old
The first item in is the first item out. That's how it's always been. Don't use your postmaster as a storage facility because it's not. In the future, make sure you have plenty of room before starting any activity.