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11/28/2022 7:46:49 PM
iron banner last time around was the worst. way worse than trials. i was playing tougher opponents in iron banner than in trials which I could not figure out. the lobbies were always lopsided with mercy being called way too often. iron banner was unplayable and it needs some type of sbmm with eruption. previous iron banners were not that bad.

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  • Iron Banner was fun last time and I appreciated the chance to play unencumbered before it turns to the dark side next season.

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  • the eruption game mode is just ability spam. the old control model is much better. the better team would get the supers fast and just crush the other team. it was way more lopsided. i usually have no problem with iron banner and eruption is just horrible and with low population I struggled. you did not see tons of mercied games? it was one team just smashing the other team it was no competition. i played like 6 games and was out . i struggled to get kills because I was constantly surrounded by supers and killed by them over and over. instead of gun skill it was ability spam.

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  • Edited by A_mo: 11/29/2022 3:16:56 AM
    I was a big fan of the old control version, until it started getting mangled due to some players' inability deal with the mercies that came due to the lockdown mechanic and it just snowballed from there with the delusional requests. It was right up there as possibly my favorite mode that's been in the game but it really wasn't worth keeping it constantly with what it got turned into in order to make it more palatable to the people that have far higher standards for the game than they do for themselves and their understanding of it. With eruption trading having a ton of abilities for a certain kind of gameplay that the game basically doesn't feature hardly ever anymore for most people was more than worth it to me. There was a lot of things that became pretty apparent when you played it like the fact that the abilities aren't nearly as oppressive when you have consistency when it comes to things like shot registration. It was also a good place to practice how to deal with and avoid them in a realistic way that wasn't constantly being "adjusted" by who knows what. The only thing about it that somewhat pissed me off was it was yet another instance where I found myself saying to myself "wow, all this stuff actually fits and works together but apparently someone would rather it look like they had no idea what they were doing when they came up with it." I've never understood why they do stuff like that just to make some of these people happy. You do always have to remember that its not necessarily only for people that post on the internet though. But yeah, I really used to like IB control. It was one week once a month and a lot of people still couldn't even handle that without saying this too shall be mine mine mine mine MINE!

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  • I don't understand what you mean when you say this too shall be mine . This eruption was unplayable for a lot of players that struggled to get kills. I did not struggle for the most part with old iron banner.

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  • Edited by A_mo: 11/29/2022 2:25:44 PM
    For what it's worth I do prefer the current approach to ib where it's more of a celebration meant for everyone to participate. I just really like the old cbmm ib because to me that was destiny at basically it's most pure and truthful. There were weeks where it was about as close to no holds barred as this game can be even if stats still did matter more than they may have appeared to. People were using powerful loadouts but the choice of loadouts didn't totally determine the outcome so there was still a good amount of variety. And it was just a pvp sans politics. It wasn't like this every week because it started getting changed with the complaints about mercies and even some people thinking a mode where you could lockdown the zones should have point spreads of like 10 points while ignoring what that would do to the gameplay and a lot of variety and ability to pick things based on personal preference rather than outright oppressiveness. I think that if some people had trouble with the last ib it probably has something to do with the semi recent over reliance on the game adapting to the players rather than having it the other way around. People have trouble stepping out of their comfort zone sometimes. I'm someone that pretty much sticks to what appears to be a very similar playstyle but by doing that it kind of keeps me out of a comfort zone where the game is rewarding me for switching things when it wants me to and jumping on the next big thing. So that's why I guess I liked it because it was an honest test where I had shot registration and had to deal with even more abilities than normal. Could have done better but it went reasonably well, especially the last two days. Having said that if it didn't go well for a lot of people then that should be the deciding factor. I just liked it because it was just about the most different kind of mode that's been put into d2 and it kept players on their toes without artificially doing so. And it had been a while since I got to play the game with gameplay superceding outcome. Usually it's the other way around.

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  • I dont expect the games to be super close but lobby balancing is a problem in destiny versus other shooters where you can look at the chance your team has to win. i read somewhere that 80 percent of players have less than a 1.0 kd . i do not know if that is true or not. but I have seen lobbies where a whole team struggles to get more than a .40 kd which means they are in the wrong lobby. it should not be strict sbmm but at the same time less skilled players should not be playing with players leaps and bounds above their skill level. i had 3 good games in the last iron banner where I noticed the competition got significantly easier plus I switched to using a scout rifle and side arm versus the hand cannon and shotgun I often prefer to use. its ok if some people have some bad games but if 85 percent of the games a player is struggling to get more than 4 kills he is in the wrong lobby.

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  • Edited by A_mo: 11/29/2022 5:00:49 PM
    I do always have to remind myself of that statistic even though my k/d isn't much higher than that and I'm pretty sure its something close to what you said. But you do also have to ask how it got like that and how much those people play. At this time last year the game was doing something similar to what it was doing when it came out which is stacks vs. solos. That can't be good for a lot of more "casual" players' k/ds because a good portion of them aren't going to say "alright I'm going to play PvP, Step 1: Find 1-5 other people" every time they want to or have time to play. So then SBMM gets turned on or is already on as was the case in the earlier years a lot of the time and now that's what a lot of those peoples' k/ds are really going to be. Maybe they'll go up a little but probably not substantially if people are playing solo. There's also the question of how much people are even playing and if they're even playing to get "better," and there's really nothing wrong if they aren't tbh. But at a certain point you can't be all that surprised at the outcome if some people are playing to get better and some aren't. You can change what it means to be better but there's a good chance that's going to cause other issues, especially in terms of gameplay which is actually the thing that people are engaging with the most. I wasn't saying that IB was a resounding success across the entire player population as much as I was saying that I personally enjoyed it and the gameplay that it featured the last go round. It definitely doesn't need to stay that just because I and some other people liked it. I also think SBMM does have a place in the game, its just not what's best for everyone. I just think that its going to be really hard to take people that don't play often and have lower k/ds and serve them with the same matchmaking that is supposed to cater to players that do play hard without it coming across as overly manufactured or causing other long term problems. People shouldn't be in a ton of lobbies where they get 4 kills but when the game takes someone that's most likely better at the game than that first person and forces them into scoring 4 kills so that person can score more I just don't see how that's going to result in a better outcome in the long run. The game basically takes a smaller group of people and gives them an experience that most of them would consider worse in order to give a (supposedly, I guess?) larger group of people a better experience. But when you add up the number of matches those two groups play its probably a lot closer to even than just the player numbers. This also doesn't take into account the top tier players that largely have to be given the best overall experience regardless so in some ways they're also a drag on... somebody and its not going to be lower skilled players if its SBMM. So when members of that smaller group drop out or play less and its SBMM that's going to have a larger effect and I just think its better overall to keep those players as engaged as they were previously. It doesn't have to be in IB because that mode has an obvious goal but if people aren't engaged with PvP overall they're going to be less likely to play IB and that just leads to worse results for everyone that is still playing.

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