Hello! I am seeking help due to an issue I've got atm. I matched Nomad#3001 whose Bungie Mentor/Ninja on the 4th November 2022. This was when he was streaming his Bungie Bounty for 2 hours. I matched and completed the strike with him and have video proof as well as the PGCR of me matching him.
Video of me in strike with Nomad: https://twitter.com/AbyssgeoD2/status/1599243491996860416?s=20&t=uByHnwrPXXSxk8_0bNsvpA
PGCR: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Pgcr/11896302582
It is now the 4th December 2022, 30 days or 1+month since I matched him. And I have not gotten the Bungie Bounty emblem.
I've tried submitting a form via the missing emblem form page linked here: https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498731
But every time I go to try and submit a form I get put back to the main home page of Bungie.net, I have a video of that happening here.
Video of me not being able to submit missing emblem form: https://twitter.com/AbyssgeoD2/status/1599251087030046720?s=20&t=uByHnwrPXXSxk8_0bNsvpA
I'd just like to get some help/ answers as to when I am getting my emblem. I know the team who gives out emblems is working through lots of PGCR/screenshots etc... Of others who have won and I completely get that takes time. And I understand its not an easy thing to do.
But when everyone I know who matched and won the Bungie Bounty also has gotten theirs. and I'm the only one that I know of whose still doesn't have theirs. It gets a bit frustrating. I'm trying my best to be proactive to figure out whats going on. I've made a tweet with the above information to the community managers and had no luck at all.
So I thought I might as well try here. Again I understand that the emblem giving out process for who won etc.. Takes time to do and it's not easy but when it's been a month+ it just leaves me to wonder whats happening.
To any member of Bungie staff/Mentor/Ninja who can help me get an answer I'd be beyond grateful ❤️
Thank you,
Hi there! Once you sign in to help.bungie.net and are re-routed back to Bungie.net, please go back to help.bungie.net. It will retain your login.