After waiting 5 seasons for grenade mod to come back you(bungie) decided to make witherhoard worthless by nerfing it into the ground. I'm here to tell you it cost you my lightfall pre-order money and I will NEVER spend a dime on a bungie game again. Right now everyone I know is quitting destiny 2 or uninstalling because of decisions like this. The community is furious and do you listen? No, you do grimey things like make the grenade champion mod cost so much its unusable and therfore pointless. The only reason we put with your tyranny before was because guns like witherhoard made doing the miserable crap you forced down our throats enjoyable. But now that you've removed the fun part(witherhoard) nobody will put up with you telling them what weapons they can or can't use on any given day. You(bungie) will continue to bleed players until destiny 2 is as pointless as you have made witherhoard, anarchy and xenophage. Also who will want play bungies new games when the same people who destroyed destiny 2 are in charge?
I've been using witherhoard non stop, still does the same amount of damage. Only thing changed is the blight last only4,5 seconds but still works brilliant.