Simple fixes could make the FTP experience so much better for example
put silver in the free season pass so if you complete one or two free ones you can earn enough to get the paid pass like Fortnite did with their season passes
stop locking all endgame content behind 1 million paywalls like the nightfall requiring the witch queen DLC (even though you can play them for free in Vanguard ops), or locking trails behind witch queen too so I can't play endgame PvE or PvP
Make more FTP content I feel like barely any FTP content has been added since the REDWAR ERA
and I mean added to FTP, not just crucible changes or old seasonal content being made FTP months later. There should at least be new some FTP content yearly I should have to skip rent to play new stuff.
Please Bungie the first two should be super easy fixes that would MAJORLY improve the gameplay experience for everyone. I shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars a year to enjoy destiny and keep up it just doesn't make sense no other major game require such frequent and aggressive payments so why.
FTP players deserve nothing. You're here for free, enjoy it or leave.