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originally posted in: Character appearance change
1/17/2023 2:43:22 PM
Guardian,Archon Of Light
Guardian,Archon Of Light

Blade Of The Traveler old

They are behind the times, most games besides story ones with set characters like GOW,Uncharted or Horizon , have a character creator that you can edit any time, I don't know why Bungie has had the same character creator for 8 years, with literally the same faces and hairstyles between D1 and D2, is there something about the engine that limits a character to be changed I want to give my Titan a Mohawk and Warpaint,now he is just a normal skinned Zevala, really plain and bald , I know I could put all my gear in the vault and make a new one, but NPCs would treat him like a new light, and I would have to do all those Stasis quests again, it's dumb not to be able to edit an existing character in 2023

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