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originally posted in: Character appearance change
1/18/2023 12:24:55 AM
You must be new to Destiny. Ok, here’s how it works, if you want to change the look of your guardian, you change the armour and put shaders on them. By acquiring new armour you have the chance to make an ornament of all your favourite armour pieces by doing bounties from Ada 1. Wait, duh, you mean you actually want to change the gender or race of your guardian? Why? That’s completely beside the point and useless, and won’t make you better in any way. But yes, seems they should allow you to change anything on your Guardian if you feel like it.

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  • I've been playing this game since D1 beta. This is a long requested feature, and one that was promised by Bungie. Get your act together.

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  • I’m just saying, what does gender or race matter really? It’s the armour and shaders that gives you style. My act is all the way together, to the point that I actually said that you are not wrong. It’s the reason you want to change I’m questioning.

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  • 1. It's an industry standard. 2. A promised feature. 3. An easy to implement feature. 4. In a game where the end goal is to be as pleased as possible with the aesthetics of your guardian, there is literally no good reason not to have it. And the best I've been given so far is "it's not that important." Which is a shite excuse. Emotes aren't that important. Transmog isn't that important. Different sparrows and ships aren't that important. Different ghost shells aren't that important. Transmat effects aren't that important. The game is filled with trivial -blam!-, this is a long requested feature, ESPECIALLY after the new light character model changes buggered up so many peoples guardians.

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  • It *might* not be easy to implement, depending on how that code was written. Software can be weird like that. Also, any time you write code you are going to introduce bugs accidentally, and you have to hunt them and squash them, which takes more time. And it's probably low on their priority list. But they probably could put some people on it.

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  • To each his own, but my end goal is not the same as yours.

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  • That’s how I like to agree with someone, first ridicule them and their desires and THEN finish with a “…but yeah, ok” It’s weird AF but it’s how you and I roll.

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  • I honest to god can’t tell if you are joking or not. I can reasonably believe people would actually agree to this.

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