I'm on the lookout for a clan that fits for both of us. For all intents and purposes, consider both of us newbs. I've been playing since D2 came out but had zero clue what I was doing until recently. Now I feel like I have "half a clue"
Coming over from World of Warcraft, it took me a long time to understand the various systems at play, get half-way good at the jumping puzzles, and I didn't dare set foot into a raid. I finally worked up the courage when DSC came out and I was able to clear it a few times but was given the minimal responsibility roles for obvious reasons. When VOG came out, that was much easier so I managed several clears finally getting Vex 1 week before the patch it got nerfed, lol!
Anyway, wall of text. I think I have the capacity to be a good player, but I feel like I still have a lot to learn. I have amassed a decent collection of weapons over the years and have solo'd more content than even I can believe, but I'm not very good, it takes me hours to do things others can do quickly. It took 90 minutes for me to clear legendary seraph solo.
I'd like to change that. But I need help. I need someone who is willing to take me under their wing, help coach and guide me. Give me things to work on or improve on.
My GF is just getting into the game. So she's still learning how to jump and she has fun doing anything, but she's not ready for anything that will pressure her, so raids and competitive pvp are off the table for her, for now.
What will you get in return? You will get 2 hard-working people that are easy to get along with, fun to hang out with, zero drama. We are in Central Time, play on PC and are active on evening/weekends.
We are mature people, adults (21+) who are busy in regular lives but enjoy gaming and having fun while playing Destiny. Most of us played Destiny from D1. We do all activities and raid often. Be chill, mature and join in clan activities. Most importantly, have fun and be respectful. __**We can only expect to get from this clan what we all put in it**__ 😎 #Game, raid and have fun! We are a cross platform clan with a large and active clan base: CPoD 1 — https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4149632 CPoD 2 — https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4271385 If you want to invite your `chill, mature, 21+` friends, here is the link to our server: https://discord.gg/h5nWNRz This server is a place where older chill gamers can hang out and find like-minded people to play with, chat, and have fun. Any respectful adults (21+) are welcome in our Discord server.