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originally posted in: I have no power here
1/29/2023 11:15:24 PM
It doesn't work that way. This place is like the high-school cafeteria, you can't sit at every table. There's the younglings having philosophical discussions about why girls don't like them. The old men who got held back several decades and haven't moved on from their football glory days. The Lurkers chill out under the stairs or in the bathroom. Watching. Waiting. Probably smoking. There's several tables worth of folks who are kinda just there. They don't make waves or stand out, but they warm some chairs and add comments and occasional posts so yeah... Assorted shitposters and trolls wade throughout, cropdusting the place with a pungent aroma of swampass and neckbeard. Some of them nerds still post stories they wrote, reviewing a hipster indie game they've played recently, or writing a dissertation on why their favorite bad game/show/movie is actually good. Then there's the popular dweebs table where there's only like three users left since most of them got sni- *gets sniped*

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