How’s it going guardians? I’ve been a solo player pretty much all of D1 and D2? I enjoy all things Destiny but tired of running solo. I’m a hunter main but can definitely use my titan or warlock if needed. I play daily and I’m always willing to learn or help any of my fellow guardians! I’m on Xbox and have discord as well. Looking for a small close knit clan preferably. See you out there Guardians
**VETUS VENATORES** We at Vetus Venatores are open to anyone looking to engage in a close knit destiny 2 group for lightfall that treats each other with respect and views you as a person not a number. **When we play/What we play** We are CST/EST Based mainly getting on a little before or after 5:30PM CST. We mainly engage in PVE Activities mid and endgame and dabble in the crucible if we feel like it. **Our personality and who we are for** Engaging in Light humor, In depth conversations, friendly banter and a little silence when we need to focus up we are for both the Introvert and the extrovert. For the type of player we are close to it can be the new light starting their journey looking for guidance or the hardened guardian that’s been with the game since D1 we like to accept all types of players. If you are interested in the clan or have any questions that transcend a linear message like this my Discord username is TheHamburglarXL#3105 We look forward to having you with us for Lightfall and the future.