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2/8/2023 11:22:17 PM
Asking Bungie to revamp appearances when the only time you will ever potentially see a character's face is in the Tower would be one of the biggest waste of resources. Thankfully, Bungie typically doesn't listen to topics like this.

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  • I would like to point out that there are also occasionally cutscenes where the helmets on our characters are off. The most recent example of this was the introductory mission of Season of Plunder. I would also like to acknowledge that back in fall of 2020, the character creator and its customization options were changed in order to allow Bungie to make it easier to add new face customization options. In my opinion, it would be a waste of resources for Bungie to continue to not make use of this change. And while this doesn't obligate Bungie to create a way to recustomize existing characters, I don't think players be very happy with new additions to character customization if their only way to access them was to create a new character from scratch.

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  • Uhhh what? They barely made any adjustments to the customization options at the start. And again, implementing something that would allow for us to customize our characters any time we want instead of a one time thing would require a lot of resources because they'd have to change the game's code. With the issues the game has had, I'd rather they not waste time on something as insignificant as character customization that has zero impact on gameplay. It would 100% be a waste of resources.

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  • I don't think it's that hard to let us return to a screen that's coded in already. we know how good bungie is at asset flipping

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  • Again, you're asking them to make something available all the time that was coded to be used ONCE. I really don't understand why you can't comprehend this.

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  • I don't think it's that hard to remove a small piece of code and place in a new one.

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  • Hoo boy that comment is exceptionally ignorant. You don't understand game design at all. Bungie removed blue engrams by altering the code and look what that did. So no. It is not as easy as you're trying to make it sound.

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  • a bit of a difference in deleting something and reusing a screen

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  • So you're really going to double down on making ignorant comments? Aight you can talk to yourself then because I'm done wasting my time on someone who would rather keep making blatantly wrong comments instead of educating themselves.

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  • what is your education?

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  • And I don't understand why you can't seem to comprehend that they've literally already put work into the damn system. At this point it would be wasting resources not to just continue that work. Zero impact on gameplay? You mean like armor and weapon ornaments, emotes, shaders, sparrow skins and ship skins? All of these things have "zero impact to gameplay" following your logic. Come back when you have an actual valid argument and are done talking out your rear, kid.

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  • I don't know how to put this in simpler words than I already have. It would be complicated to make something that was coded to be done ONCE and make it so it can be done as many times as you want. Read this post slowly if you need to. At least with all those things you listed, PEOPLE CAN SEE THEM FREQUENTLY. Meanwhile, outside of the Tower, your helmet is constantly on. Which is another reason it would be a massive waste of resources. It's utterly asinine to ask for character customization for your character's face when you're not even going to be looking at it 90% of the time. The only one with absolutely no valid point is you. Cope and seethe, little guy.

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  • You do realize that other games have done exactly this, right? Taking a system that was meant to be done once and making it accessable at any point. World of Warcraft added the barber shop, Cyberpunk 2077 added the mirror in your apartment. You just need to add an access portal to get to that interface and then let it rewrite the portion of the character data that controls the appearance. Also, the only one seething here seems to be you. Why does this topic make you rage so hard?

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  • Ok and again wtf is the point when you are going to be wearing a helmet 90% of the time? At least with WoW and Cyberpunk, you can frequently see the changes you made to your character. Destiny 2 isn't like that so adding customization pas character creation is completely unneeded. As I've said numerous other times, thankfully Bungie doesn't listen to people like you. And nah you are definitely seething because you busted into these comments already spewing ad hominem.

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  • So like, why do you care? If there’s a large group that wants it’d does it really hurt you? The Bungie devs are talented, and the only thing holding them back is management. I seriously doubt it would take the massive load of work you’re putting it out to be to allow the return to that screen, which again, is already in existence. We understand it was made to be used once, but there’s nothing stopping them from making it continuously useable. You speak as if you have some kind of background in game development. Do you? Do you have literally any experience working on a AAA game? Are you secretly a Bungie dev that’s tired of this request (lol)? Bungie has hundreds of employees at their disposal and given that they completely revamped character graphics, they care about the system to some extent. If their customers want it, it’s not a waste of resources as I’m sure they’d find a way to monetize it anyways. They could even add a feature that appears in MANY other games allowing us to hide helmets at least in PvE. I’d understand keeping them on in PvP. All in all, you sound utterly full of yourself and have a horrid attitude, all for a topic that realistically causes no one any kind of harm in implementing. Chill out. If you don’t care about how you treat people, at least think about how you’re seen (which I’m sure you don’t care about that either).

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  • Because asking the devs to work on something that doesn't need to be worked on does nothing but pull resources away from things that matter. Like gameplay. And ffs they tried changing the game so blue engrams didn't drop anymore and it broke so many things that they had to shut the game down for 24 hour maintainence. Again, thankfully Bungie doesn't listen to people like you. The game would end up in a way worse spot if they did.

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  • I mean technically the biggest Waste of Resources was Vanilla Destiny 2

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