Shaxx is easily my favorite character in destiny. He’s funny, charismatic, heroic, he’s got it all. Except plot relevance. It does not need to be pvp related, though a crucible season would breathe much life into the mode, but even a pve season, Shaxx has the potential for a great deal of characterization and plot. He has the personality to carry a season much like [spoiler]clovis until he got eaten by Rasputin [/spoiler] and Saint 14. Bungie is sitting on an untapped fountain of fun and humor. He is a character that only has plot relevance in the lore and then as a warlord in his past. He has history with the drifter, is a seasoned war hero, and is a character that embodies everything great about this game. Do you agree? Any other good ideas you wanna share? Feel free to do so I love discussions.
I've thought about this in the past and made a post about it. Season of the redjack. Redjack of course would be the seasonal title seal to unlock. This season would introduce 8 new crucible maps released 1 each week. The seasonal ritual would be clearing these pvp maps of pve enemies to make them suitable for crucible training. Then that weeks trials map would be the new map. I'm thinking a subplot between shaxx and Saladin going back and forth about their past. Then when iron banner comes, there would be a community event where guardians side with either shaxx or Saladin and winning games would add favor to the one you sided with and at the end of the event the favor gets added up and the one with the most is crowned top lord or something like that. The current destiny story is a little too dark and narratively has no room to put in a more silly season like this in but it would be an awesome season after L&D saga concludes.