Shaxx is easily my favorite character in destiny. He’s funny, charismatic, heroic, he’s got it all. Except plot relevance. It does not need to be pvp related, though a crucible season would breathe much life into the mode, but even a pve season, Shaxx has the potential for a great deal of characterization and plot. He has the personality to carry a season much like [spoiler]clovis until he got eaten by Rasputin [/spoiler] and Saint 14. Bungie is sitting on an untapped fountain of fun and humor. He is a character that only has plot relevance in the lore and then as a warlord in his past. He has history with the drifter, is a seasoned war hero, and is a character that embodies everything great about this game. Do you agree? Any other good ideas you wanna share? Feel free to do so I love discussions.