The only thing worse than designers' straightforward neglect of [core activity] Gambit.. is their refusal to talk about it like actual humans.
Even a [i]gesture[/i] of transparency on the topic would be refreshing. Instead, we players (further demoted internally to "fans") get dismissive condescension, paired with tone-deaf comms about ..everything... From Bungie.
Courtesy goes both ways.
Ban exotic heavies and 99% of the problems in the mode vanish overnight. I know they won’t do it because it goes against one of their stated philosophies, but the amount this small change would do to help gambit is immense. There’d still be some outliers (Izanagi’s, Winter’s Wrath, etc.) but they’re nowhere near as brain dead as things like Truth, Xenophage, Eyes of Tomorrow, Gjallarhorn, etc.