I just got locked out of the competitive playlist because I had 2-3 games in a row where I loaded in and only had one teammate against a full enemy team. Playing many of the competitive game modes 2v3 for the entire match is incredibly difficult 2v3 and completely unfair. I think it may be an SBMM issue, as the issue started after a six game win streak. Regardless, it is completely unacceptable to have multiple games back to back where you are down a player out of the gate and that slot can't be filled. I don't know if anyone else has had this issue but I really hope bungie can take a look at this and fix it.
My last game, I got so pissed about not being able to get a full team that I quit the match right before we lost out of frustration and am now locked out of competitive. If bungie is not able to fix not filling teams in comp or allowing slots to be filled during the match, then at least let the team who is a man down leave early and not be punished.
Or most likely you had a team of three but as the game was loading in one person left.