Greetings friends, I’m starting a poll of the day, and for our very first one we have got power weapons! Which of these death dealing monsters is your personal favorite to use? I’ve always been a sucker for machine guns.
Feel free to comment and start discussion, or leave ideas for future polls, I’m going to tag this #potd which can be used for future polls of the day :)
Poll of the day # 2 is live, asking what your favorite subclass element is:
1KV, Anarchy and Parasite are my all time favourites. 1KV filled a very similar role to Parasite back many moons ago. Decent boss damage, some add clear capability and great for dealing with tankier targets. Anarchy was also really good for setting up traps on spawn points because you don’t really need that much ammo for the actual boss. Parasite… we’ll it just goes boom and it’s good. Ok boss burst damage and amazing for champions