I personally preferred the old Skyburner's Oath with the higher hip fire rate and tracking rounds rather then the new slow firing explosive round it has now.
It can't even compete against other scouts such as Trustee in most situations but yet Skyburner takes up your exotic slot.
I'd personally prefer the old Skyburner with incandescent instead of the new slow firing explosive slug version. It would then at least function more closely to Trustee which by the way can be crafted with incandescent already but keeps its fire rate while ADS or hip fire.
What you all think?
Yeah, same here. I just made a post on ideas I had that could give Skyburner's some power back, considering even though it had a niche back in Season of the Haunted, it's just kinda fallen off hard since then and isn't worth using versus basically any of the other solar Exotics in the Sandbox. It's definitely fallen behind hard, and considering the State of PVE as a whole now, and its lack of strength in PVP (Not that I care for it being weak in PVP) I'd consider it one of the worse Exotics of D2 again, makes me sad. I love Skyburner's, and I want to use it, but I can't even justify it anymore.