Can someone at bungie headquarters please explain to me why its possible to not get a single rangefinder roll of the only gun you want in the season. All i want is a rangefinder roll of immortal and i spent all weekend grinding just to get 15 adept immortals with no rangefinder. This is such a key point in why getting loot in this game is so undesirable. For some people it is impossible to get the roll that they want or even the perk on the gun they want. If I dedicate a whole weekend of my time and effort and get 15 adept smgs I should be able to pick out the perk roll I want at the minimum. Keep the master work barrel options and mags all random but I should be able to pick rangefinder and not want to quit the game because rng hates me.
Uhm, it's called random loot... better known as rng??? I might be wrong on that