It’s so f’ing oppressive you can’t even compete against it. I’m farming on my 7 win flawless card to try and get a good roll but omg I hope it gets nerfed very, very soon. Whether I get a god roll or not it needs to be dealt with quickly. They’re addressing Ikelos and the immortal is way, way better so I’m hoping it gets nerfed soon.
I guess it's fusion time again if this becomes the new "thing". I don't even have Lightfall and havent played trials in years. Yet in qp games today everyone and their mother had this new adept smg paired with snipers and never miss a shot. And here I thought to play a little for fun, give The Long Arm a try as I just got that gun. Quickplay really sucks :D Well at least the name is correct. It's quick. Even quicker if you go back to orbit :D