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originally posted in: Iron Banana
3/26/2023 5:51:31 AM
I've run iron banner all week long by myself, always going for the objective. This often leads to the game being lost, because apparently the majority of the time my teammates never want to actually win the match. They'll stay in one location and don't appear to want to help other than taking shots from a distance. That's okay, though. Me being the one that actually does all the work in any match most often lead to me getting the highest k/d at the end. I want to actually win, but the majority of times the other people on my side don't. Apart from that aspect, I've also noticed some people on either side being idle. A lot of the time there's also been crazy sessions of laggy games. Seeing the enemy teleport around, or getting shot through walls, dying to an unknown misadventure, or mysteriously getting killed out of the blue after a Titan popped their super and I wasn't even in their path of destruction.

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