Hello, I need help. I have no visible subclasses even though I have played for a while and had unlocked the first three subclasses and stasis. I had cross saved onto my steam account (so I could try destiny on PC) and now I have no subclasses visible , making it not possible for me to double jump, melee attack, use a grenade or my subclass ultimate move I am also unable to see any of the moves on my screen( the icons to show the re-charge) and am left with empty boxes of where they should be. Another thing that came with this was in the character menu my character has no light around it, I have tried to fix this by deleting and re-installing the game multiple times on my PC and PS4 but it does not help.
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 4/3/2023 4:26:14 PMSign into companion app -> guardian -> [select whichever character is bugged] -> equip one of the light subclasses (solar/arc/void) This issue happens if you have strand/stasis equipped and switch to a platform that doesn't own the required DLC
It worked thanks!
I have done that and will see if that worked. If so then thanks!