So, I was playing gambit with my buddy Cursed in the linked video and you may notice that I am still on the enemy team's side, but I do not see them through the walls like when you invade normally. I somehow managed to cancel the teleport back to my team's side of the gambit arena and be stuck on the enemy team's side. I won't lie I took advantage of this and got my 7 kills while invading for the medal, but I also think I found out how to do this. I honestly don't want to post how I think you do this here because it may be abused by people that read this. I don't want to be the catalyst for the even more downfall of gambit, but I figured to let the people know what's up and if there is a fix that can be made, I will be more than happy to give my thoughts on how this is done.
No need in posting if you are not sharing the secret. There are thousands of people who want that 7 too. But they will struggle and probably never get it. Share it before it's patched you know if it benefits the players it wont take a week two tops and it's fixed.