I wish we could get more missions like Preservation, & by that I mean missions that let players explore Raid locations without having to do the Raid.
I've done a few Raids. Done Vault of Glass twice, as well as both Deep Stone Crypt & Vow of the Disciple once each, & gotten up to Oryx in King's Fall. And I've got to say I don't enjoy doing Raids & it's unfortunate.
Maybe things will be better when the new LFG system drops later this year, but the Raids are generally unpleasant. Whether it's the difficulty in getting a full team & keeping it together, the several hours it can take to get through the entirety without stopping to appreciate things, or just the general atmosphere of being stuck with unpleasant players or players so high above you that you feel like a Newb again, in general they aren't that appealing.
That's why I enjoyed the Preservation mission so much. It gave me & others the opportunity to explore some, though not all, of Rhulk's ship in the Throne World, to find secrets & uncover lore in a way that helped me appreciate the Rhulk better & feel more engaged with the story. I wish we could get more missions like this, where players could explore the Deep Stone Crypt, the Vault of Glass, the Witness's ship, & other Raid locations without the pressure of 5 other people & a timeline to hurry up.
Bungie, think you can develop some more missions like this going forward so we can get more people to see what you've made?
You guys really will do anything apart from run the raids lmao. Just look it up on youtube if you don't want to run it again.