Legendary shards seem to be meant to timegate players from focusing weapons/armor. Same thing with enhancement cores. Super frustrating for anyone not sitting on a mountain of materials from D2 vanilla.
It might not be so bad if you could farm or trade for these currencies, but neither is possible outside of 🧀. I play the game a lot, but no matter what I do I can’t seem to earn more than I use.
If there are any farms I’m missing plz comment.
Buy first season transmat effects in your menu for 1000 glimmer each. They get stored with Rahool. Go to him open the stored ones. They go into your materials menu where you can break them down into shards. It ends up being 3000 glimmer per shard. Any time I max out my glimmer I buy 30,000 worth of transmat effects. It adds up over time. I have around 19,000 shards now and use them to buy five cores a day from Rahool at 30 shards per core. There are videos of the transmat to shards process.