We've had 7 dlcs that were 30 plus depending on the version you got I personally have gotten the 100 dollar bundle for each expansion meaning I've spent over 500 dollars on one single game amd now they wanna up the season pass which doesn't affect me currently but will in the future. How much money are we going to spend on this game before it's good? I'm tired of having to buy the newest dlc just to play all the activities or a past dlc to play current stuff. Instead of doing all this dlcs and season passes uping the price why can't it be subscription based where you pay monthly while you play and then u can give silver for every month your subscribed and having this subscription give u access to everything available dlcs/season passes included with something like a sign on reward for playing everyday and when u don't have the subscription your just stuck to the already f2p version in the game or if you own the dlcs already you just don't get the extra benefits like silver and sign on reward. I'm tired of having to put in all this money and get nothing good in return just to have to do it all again next season or for the next dlc. If this system was already in play I would have spend 120 dollars total for the year I played instead of the 500plus dollars I spent on the game buying every dlc just to finish everything and be stuck at end game with nothing to do. The paying monthly subscription based would save new players money and give existing players a way to accumulate sliver without flat out buying it. And for the people like me who own the dlcs saying they don't need the subscription and your correct. They could still give the option to purchase the dlc outright so u do not need the subscription to play it you would just lose out on the monthly sliver and sign in bonus. If you want new players and people to stay consistently playing or coming back this system could help. Just a thought.
(If this was hard to read or understand I apologize I am dyslexic so it looked good to me lol)
Edited by ThatGuy: 5/6/2023 4:48:17 PM