Like what is the point of letting a match that was 1-93 (Supremacy without class based, me and a friend and 4 randos) after 2 minutes of play go the whole time. Do people really think that's 'fun' for anyone?
It ended on 9-153 because they kept generating crests that fast.
Bonus points for it being Midtown, which is a very easy map to spawncamp if you got a scout and the rooftop position, which is exactly what happened so, as an aside from that: fix your damn spawns bungie.
But back to my original point: Why aren't there mercies in this mode. If there is SUCH a stark skill difference between two teams why on earth wouldn't you end the damn thing early. Like trust me I'm aware that I can't keep up with a gilded flawless or glorious player. I'm doing pvp when the mood strikes me (or when the game demands it) and putting me up against these people doesn't actually make me wanna engage in the mode.
Because if there's a single thing more discouraging than 'play against people who are so good at the game that the win's been decide before the first shot was fired' I've not met it yet.
And like if you can't give me sbmm, at least -blam!- mercy me out of these matches and stop wasting my time in a match i [i]cannot[/i] win [b][/b]
To give bad players time to pick up (their dead teammates) crests to complete the bounties/challenges.