One thing I'm happy about this Season is that the Power cap didn't increase.
For the last couple of Seasons I'd get to the Powerful cap then struggle to grind out to the Pinnacle cap so I wouldn't be considered under-level for other activities.
This Season I didn't have to worry about grinding back to the level I was at for all of my gear & can just focus on getting Pinnacle drops, which also gives me the breathing room to focus on other things.
Edited by Cooper: 6/16/2023 2:43:46 AMIts actually insane to see people actually wanting a boring arbritray grind like you actually get stronger this isn't borderlands or really any mmo, you grind to do the same content you did before ff14 and borderlands do gear progression better. The even funnier part is literally EVERYONE complained about how artificial the grind was but all of a sudden "I need a reason to login" and the game is boring and has no meaning. Bruh ya'll need help 😂.