For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience.
We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for....
We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active....
Thanks for your consideration!
P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able
Been playing solo for about 3 years. I have always been afraid to join a clan, as I am not a hardcore gamer and worry about my game skills (I am no novice either). I am in my mid fifties, but consider myself to be a perpetual 15 year old. I'm a Texan (putting me in the Central Time Zone), I play evenings and weekends. I grow weary of the solo scene and want to branch out and up my game. I tried to apply, but got the "Clan Full" message. Hit me up if a spot opens up and I may be someone you think would work out. Xbox Gamer Tag is Shortbus