Is yet ANOTHER of many...MANY...examples, both big and small, that shows how this company doesn't have a clue how to make worthwhile content for this game.
Fifteen fish caught at 18kg or more. Of course Uncommon won't be, that's fine. Rare, however, should have some. There are none. As if to further shove a middle finger in my face, I will get Rare fish at 16-17kg. One was at 17.9kg. Now, you would think that all Legendary and Exotic fish drop at that size if it's to be a Challenge; after all, they drop very seldomly for the majority of players.
Nope! As of writing this, I have just caught 1 Exotic, 8 Legendary, 32 Rare and 22 Uncommon. How many counted toward the Seasonal Challenge?
Why are you like this, Bungie? How are you completely inept at making a challenge that should be a silly, fun, goofy, chill time be YET ANOTHER chore? Only Bungie can take something that should be fun and make it exhausting. Get bent.
It is a seasonal challenge, so you don't have to complete it within a day. Work it down a little at a time; I mean, you're 20% of the way there.