Fully clutch up a 1v3 by playing smart and working hard? Yay, you did it! Oh wait... whoopsie-doodles! The last enemy's dead body stood on the capture point just a fraction of a second too long before its head and shoulders touched the ground. Sorry, you lose. Sucks to suck. How is that fair at all? How is that any measure of skill?
Dominion actively punishes skilled play, and only rewards Titans basically. Whether they're rushing you with 3 or 4 different shields so they can slide-shotgun-shoulder charge you (which needs to be removed from the game) or they simply plop their little bubbles and barricades on the point.
There is no strategy involved and every match is completely predictable now. Two dudes distract the enemy team while the free carry sits on the point and picks his butt. Even if you kill him on time the capture point goes to the enemy anyway for some reason. GG better luck next time.
Might as well make Rift the permanent Trials game mode now.
This post is maybe a little hyperbolic, but titans are certainly broken in PvP. They can opt out of any gun fight with their barriers and ofc the over shields, shoulder charge, and sliding buffs are each op. Dominion itself isn’t a bad idea. It forces you to play angles you normally wouldn’t. But I take your point. Wells and bubbles are almost a certain win unless your team has a super ready.