Soo... I started playing Destiny 1 on my Xbox, a little while after its release. I played that game a lot and did every DLC besides the last one. When Destiny 2 became free-to-play on PC, I started playing it and I did everything that I could on the free-to-play campaign, on that time. 4 days ago, I came back to Destiny 2, after a 3 or 4 years hiatus. For my surprise, all my itens were gone. My character, a woken titan, was still there. All my lumens were still there as well. My journey is at level 5, even though when I played 3 years ago there was nothing like that. Can someone please explain to me what happened? Even though I didn't spent cash on Destiny 2, I remember having some really cool exotic itens. Thanks for reading so far. Have a nice day!
Hey there. According to TimeWastedonDestiny, you only have about 9 hours of playtime on your Steam Destiny 2 account. https://wastedondestiny.com/4611686018500588409,4611686018443825769 Are you perhaps thinking of original Destiny playtime? Could you be thinking about when the game was on Battle.net? Which items do you believe you are missing exactly?