I am tired of being given a match incomplete warning when I get kicked from a game. My internet speed is 1 gb, nat type open. I have no issues with my internet.
Rework your system so I don’t get a warning. If someone leaves before loading it, it shouldn’t be held against you. You should have some sort of coding to know when someone gets removed or when someone leaves via switch character screen.
Hi there. It is intentional that players are automatically warned when leaving a match or suspended for leaving multiple matches in a short period, regardless of the cause or reason. This is done to discourage players leaving teammates at a disadvantage. If you experience frequent disconnects, we recommend doing some [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049496531-Network-Troubleshooting-Guide]troubleshooting[/url] to either fix or rule out your own network as the issue. Note that bandwidth is not the main issue with connections. D2 only requires 1MB up/down bandwidth with a recommendation of 3MB up/down. The quality and consistency of your connection is far more important. You'll want to run tests to confirm your bandwidth is consistent as well as check for [b]jitter[/b] and [b]packet loss[/b]. If there are temporary server issues that many players are simultaneously experiencing, the recommendation is to avoid playing matchmade activities, or wait to play the game until the disruptions subside.
People would just pull their Ethernet cables to force a "legitimate" network error. Source: Destiny 1 Year 1