Hello all,
I purchased the Maui shirt from the Bungie Foundation. I purchased it on August 19th. I immediately received my PayPal receipt but have still yet to receive any emails from the Bungie Foundation itself.
I understand the emblems aren't sent out yet, and that is not my concern. I fear I may have entered the wrong information somehow. Did anyone else receive an email from the Bungie Foundation after their purchase of the Maui shirt?
Edited by Swat The Bot: 9/7/2023 3:51:59 PMFor queries regarding donations to the Bungie Foundation for the Maui Campaign, I recommend you contact the Bungie Foundation directly at the below link. Bungie.net and the Bungie Foundation are separate. The Bungie Foundation should be able to assist you with this query. https://maui.bnglove.org/contact/