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Edited by TuxBird: 9/12/2023 3:06:53 AM

Wings of Sacred Dawn Buff and Solar Bows (BUG)

Hello all! I'm an avid bow/Wings of Sacred Dawn user in the Crucible, and I was excited to try out the new buff for the chestpiece exotic this season. I discovered almost immediately that if you get a kill with a bow while Tome of Dawn is active, the bow reload/nocking animation will break for over a second (presumably because bows have never been meant to be autoloaded). You can try it yourself, get a kill with any bow with Wings' perk active, and you won't be able to do anything for about a second as the game doesn't know what to do with the bow being reloaded by the exotic. You can't reload, you can't draw, and you can't fire until the game "snaps" the bow back into place. It makes pairing a Solar bow with this newly buffed Wings of Sacred Dawn impossible. A short video example of this bug in action is here: Whenever I get a kill with the perk active, the bow will be "stuck" in this awkward frozen animation. Hopefully Bungie can see this and develop a fix --or-- just disable this for Solar bows specifically if it's a deeper issue with bow behavior. Thanks for reading!

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  • I also noticed Transversive steps do not reload a bow, even though you hear the autoload sound of the T-steps proccing, you still manual load a bow when you stop sprinting.

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  • Hello there[url=],[/url] Can you provide a link to a video showing the issue? It will help the devs in troubleshooting. Youtube, Twitter, or Imgur links work best.

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