Every so often I draw my face. I’m a willing subject, and as someone that doesn’t spend hours staring at herself in the mirror, it’s a strange reality check. I don’t love my own face, I don’t think I have to. As far as faces go, it certainly is one. Drawing it has become a little challenge to see if I can draw myself exactly as I am, and not as I’d like to be.
I care about myself. I put effort into the way I dress. I eat right and stay clean. My vices are enjoyed responsibly. I know myself very well, but I fail to recognize my own face sometimes.
So. Here she is.
It’s a good face. Love it. It deserves it. (Full heteronormative, incoming….) I struggle to understand why women are so much harder on their appearance—-and each others—than men are. Learn to accept yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. You’ll be happier, and you’ll attract other happy people like a magnet.