The average player shouldn't be going into every match with 3 flawless people (of that week). This is absolute bullshit and should be reverted. If you want people to play, make it playable.
Flawless pool and non flawless pool were the worst things that got added into trials. Not only did it separate the player base so much to the point even people in flawless pool would stop playing, but people who done carries would stay in non flawless pool to do so. Trials is END GAME PVP. If you can’t handle the sweaty factor of trials then why don’t you use the time you have to get better at the game and stop complaining. If bungie always makes it easy for players then eventually the people who don’t have any skill will just be playing ai and they still couldn’t win. I carried 2 .2s to the lighthouse this week and even against players who were .7s they couldn’t do absolutely anything. Flawless pool made the game worse because it split the player base so much no one wanted to play which is why trials saw a massive decrease in players over time and a massive uprise when flawless pool was removed. Again Trials is an END GAME PVP activity. Bungie has done so much experimenting with this playlist to try make it more friendly to players of lesser skill and this is the best we have had it since. You have 2 mercies until you go flawless, just a thought instead of saying bring flawless pool back why not actually decide to try and improve at the game instead of thinking you automatically deserve it