Following the finale mission, dialogue within Savathun's Spire has changed to include new dialogue from Savathun, Immaru, Eris, and Ikora. Most noteably, among these are references to that seem to point towards Ahamkara/Riven.
[quote][url=]Savathun[/url]: My sister feels her worms gnawing hunger, gnawing away at her for running away from us. She had to keep testing her strength if she didn't want to be eaten alive... and she has no one left to love. Now you see: I needed my Worm exorcised so I could tell you the truth. And didn't I hold up my end of the bargain. I knew you could do it. You've done so many impossible things... O murderer mine.[/quote]
The last time we heard the words, "O murderer mine." We had just slain Riven the Last [i]Known[/i] Ahamkara. I can't shake the feeling that Bungie built themselves a contingency with their wording way back in Forsaken. Either they knew they weren't done with the Ahamkara or just wanted some security in case they decided to dust them off again.
[quote][url=]Immaru[/url]: Savathun took these guys apart and put them back together. She knows exactly how they work. They're a little Ahamkara trick. Wishing somebody back doesn't always mean they'll come back the same. I heard Eris knows a thing or two about wishing. Too bad you put Riven in the ground. Sounds like you could use a wish or two.[/quote]
Can't say I completely disagree with Immaru here, IT IS beginning to seem like nothing short of an Ahamkara wish will get us through that portal now.
[quote][url=]Ikora & Eris:[/url]
Ikora: Eris, I have sent a message to the Techeuns as you requested.
Eris: Thank you, Ikora. Queen Mara will know the way forward. A long time ago, she listened when I warned her of Oryx's immanent threat. With this, she constructed a throne world of her own. It saved her life. May she arm herself with our knowledge once again.[/quote]
We know for fact Mara has an Ahamkara Egg safely tucked away in the Keep of Voices. We saw it during Season of the Lost. However, this could also be Eris passing along information on the Imbaru Engine, especially since it shares some thematic and functional similarities with the Dreaming City curse.
Also the consider Ye Olde Flavor atexts from the Wall of Wishes, specifically Wish 15.
[quote]Wish 15 (which remains undiscovered): This one you shall cherish.[/quote]
Then there's the Wish Card from the Deck of Whispers, as well as Eris mentioning the Anthem Anatheme earlier in the season in regards to Mara's theories on how the Wish Dragons powers work. Furthermore, we have long bygone lore about the Ahamkara from the D1 Grimoire:
[quote]Think of how mysterious this system is, I said. How much life sprang up when the Traveler came. Like the Ahamkara. Do you know the legends? The dragon that made promises? And I pulled out the fossil with a flourish- -[url=]Ghost Fragment: Warlock[/url] [/quote]
This particular quote seems to imply that the Ahamkara appeared shortly after the Traveler terraformed Venus. Perhaps granting them some unknown connection to the Traveler?
We still have 3 more radio conversations still to go... Thoughts and theories, guys?
Ignoring any leaks, there was bound to be something to do with Ahamkara and wishes the moment the last card in the Arcana deck was revealed to be "Wish". It is even in the Season Trailer. I had ideas about how the "Wish" might play into the Season's ending, but one thing I honestly didn't expect as a resolution was Eris Morn banishing Xivu Arath from her Throne World and giving up all her power as a result, leaving the Imbaru Engine up in the air. As for entering the Traveler, I have thought it could be tied to the Witness' ability "to move worlds from one reality to another". That such a power would be needed to safely traverse the portal from our reality to the Pale Heart. That said, the ongoing relevance of the Worms this year, and the near-guaranteed significance of the Ahamkara next season, makes me wonder if there are ties to how the Witness itself was able to enter the Pale Heart of the Traveler. One could assume the Witness just had the raw power necessary to make the journey on his own, but we did learn this Season that the bargain Eris made with Ahsa [url=] is the same as one the Witness made with the Worm Gods eons ago[/url]. The Worm Gods and the Ahamkara share a common ability: feeding on the gradient between what is and what might be. If an Ahamkara Wish is indeed necessary to enter the Traveler, then the same could be said of the Worm Gods. The Witness might have sought out a bargain with the Worms to allow itself the means to pass through the portal when the time came. As far as the Ahamkara having a connection to the Traveler, it is possible they've followed the Traveler across the cosmos to feed upon the changes it makes to reality since terraforming dead and inhospitable worlds into verdant paradise with the Light fits the definition of changing reality with one's will. There is also [url=]The Hidden Dossier[/url] to consider. Ikora discusses the true nature of "Truth to Power", and it is one of the clearest contenders for what Savathun might have meant when she said she already showed us how to enter the portal. The Ahamkara are brought up there as well, with Ikora mentioning how they want to become "more real", and that the Anathematic Arc is a means for them to reach a place they consider "more real". If the Pale Heart does turn out to be a "parent universe" to the Destiny setting, then the means to reach it could be tied both to a power to move from one reality to another and to the Ahamkara and Worm Gods' ability to derive sustenance from what is and what might be.