And you had carte blanche to do anything, change everything, make Bungie into a Indie dev studio again or maybe more like activision, employees etc right down to the color of the paint in the bathrooms, i mean everything and anything, What would you immediately do first?
Best answers:
Top 5
Swat: Go to jail for trespassing.
Sumpig-2: Ask [i]Sony[/i] for a 60fps faithful remaster of Bloodborne...
Honorable mentions
Shake up the leadership who directly manage Destiny. Lightfall has been the biggest misfire since vanilla Destiny 2, and was an effort to fix a game that was not broken. Like vanilla D2, Lightfall messed with the core play loop of the game. Broke the power fantasy, and changed the game in ways that showed little understanding of the game and why the vast majority of players play it. Apparently revenue from the game is down 45% this year, and it comes as no surprise to me. Lightfall confines the average player to the dullest, least rewarding parts of the game. Actually I feel the announcement that The Final Shape will be delayed is probably a good thing for the player base. Because it would have been a train wreck if Bungie repeated the formula they used for Lightfall.