The reason why I asked is bc when playing crucible, I usually played Void Hunter. I’ve always played as a stealth based characters in most games, especially in pvp game type. I am usually pretty good at stealth based play style. In fact, my play style is and always be at stealth. Keeping distance, and trying not to get caught/hit. Positive KDA, and don’t usually died as often.
However, in D2, I feel like I can be easily get spotted while being invis. I tried all shorts of ways to not get spotted. I hide in a certain areas, even in the corners while being invis. Without getting spotted by a radar and in sight. They still managed to shotgun me around the corners or at the unexpected areas, before I even get the chance to react. Mostly, I feel like they either cheated or being invis revealed your location. I remember back then, before void 3.0 rework, I had no problem with hunter invis.
So my question are:
-Does hunter invis revealed ur location?
-is it that easy to spot a hunter invis?
-is it worth using invis in crucible?
I know what u guys probably gonna say, u just gotta get good…no, thats not it. I am always good at stealth based characters in most games. D2 is the only trouble (so far) I am having with. I even looked up on some builds and gameplay on YouTube channels as well.
Thank you, and please be mindful.
If you're playing against someone who knows how invisibility works, it can be pretty worthless Most people who use invis are incredibly predictable. It makes a loud sound effect when you turn it on and that audio cue basically screams that you're about to push and where from