Tell me Bungie, what makes you hate Stompees so much that you keep nerfing them time after time?
There wasn't an issue to begin with. If you someone can't look up, it's not the fault of the exotic. Stompees feel horribly sluggish at their current state.
Edited by Hawpy: 12/4/2023 1:45:57 AMIt wasn't Ophidian Aspect's fault that people kept walking into melee range and being surprised when they get hit by a melee. That didn't stop people complaining about them until they got a nerf. Down-playing the issue because of your own biases doesn't make it any less of an issue to the unbiased player. It was never "hurr durr i can't look up", it was the huge cost-free upgrade to your movement abilities that nothing else could come close to, the unpredictable change of direction, and the ability to not be punished for bad plays because you always have the speed to get away. It is evidence enough of how good they are that Bungie "keep nerfing them time after time" and they are still the most-used Hunter Exotic for PvP. If they can survive that many nerfs and still be on top, surely that speaks volumes about how good they were before any of that? Or is the reality that none of the nerfs have been significant enough to warrant any valid complaints and the Hunters who use them have been exaggerating it?