Hello everyone :) Please try to stay positive in the comments this topic is very dear to me
[quote]I'm a mother to a beautiful daughter. A daughter who talks to people who aren't actually there. Normal kid stuff, sure. Reminds me of my own childhood. -The Black Armory Papers, Entry 10[/quote]
kind of like me writing this to You or anyone interacting with anyone on the internet
[b]Entry 25, The Black Armory Papers[/b]
[quote]We are not alone with the Traveler.
Something else has been detected out there. An anomaly of sorts. I'm lucky to have friends in informative places who tell me these things.
They don't know what it is. But there is something. Could be another Traveler. Could just be a wonky radio wave. Or could be something really bad.
On the off chance it IS something to be concerned about, shouldn't we be prepared to deal with it head-on before it arrives?
But how are we supposed to do that when the means to defend ourselves are not in the people's hands anymore? Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't understand those decisions. They make sense, but…
Having a child changes your perspective on life. I won't feel comfortable unless I am the one doing something to protect my family. I can't be the only one.
No more sitting around thinking someone or something else will do it for us. I will handle it.
And I won't do it alone. I know just the right people who would appreciate the opportunity to be a part of something like this.
Something that the "powers that be" would never sanction. But like I've said in the past, we don't know what else is out there in the universe. What we, or our children, or our children's children might have to face one day.
We will be prepared.[/quote]
Why do we not have the weapons that were created for the coming of collapse right as the second collapse is about to happen?
You created a piece of soulful content and left shards of it in the game. We as community need more soul in this game not less. Its not just about loot and gameplay. Its about music, art, character background, the riddles, the mystery. I'm sure you know those things so still why was it removed?
[quote]"When the darkness sought out destruction of all things, the Black Armory persevered. Remember this, Guardian" - Ada-1[/quote]
And what do we actually have? It just looks like you removed a soul here with removal of the forges and weapons. I know not everyone loved the activity but most loved the weapons. I see a bigger picture here with black armory as a overall masterpiece. The only thing that takes away from that masterpiece is the fact that you half removed it. It should have stayed. It was one of your best if not the best pieces you ever added into the game.
[i]Le Temps des Cerises[/i]
Ada used to sing this song which is about impermanence of happiness that it comes and goes and will come back. Will it? To be honest I'm only writing this because I'm afraid content I loved is gone forever or will come back in some cheap form of buying the weapons for a seasonal engram. That would be the last nail in the coffin for me.
It was never confirmed that Ada's mother died. You could lead from that somehow. Or the other families lineage.
[quote]"The Black Armory predates this city, I'll have you know." - Ada-1
"Some of your allies have made use of our wares in the past, but they had been sworn to secrecy"
- Ada-1 [/quote]
The story is there. We're allied with so many alien races as of now we should be able to get some information about where the forges went. We know from lore that they were not destroyed, they were taken. Maybe for protection. The story is there.
Here are some of the soulful quotes added with Black Armory as a reminder:
[quote][i]The wandering soul seeks an answer, only to find a path leading through a fog of uncertainty[/i]. -secret emblem
[i]The earth is weary. What has no future perceives No path, just chaos[/i]. -secret emblem
[i]There is one path forward, and we must pave it ourselves[/i]. -secret emblem
[i]Never forget who you are[/i]. - Written in French on the forge radiance that you could apply to your forged Black Armory weapons to grant them additional look and make them deal more damage during forges[/quote]
I'm just scratching the surface here there's much more beauty on pretty much every armor piece, weapon description, sparrows, ships and exotics that came out during season of the forge. Its fantastic.
I mean come on, its a story of three woman coming together from different backgrounds standing up against the impossible and succeeding. Only for all of them to die and their daughter becomes paint/ornament seller.
Its really depressing to know what I know and feel like there's no hope for Ada-1 cause she's been ignored and mistreated for years now. That's the picture YOU as devs painted. Not to mention that the lore clearly specifies that Ada-1 herself is a living forge, and we do not get anything out of this fact.
So all in all it would be neat to get some Black Armory content ITS BEEN OVER 5 YEARS as of now since the release of it, would be nice to get a proper update. How many more years need to pass?
I sincerely encourage all of You to read The Black Armory Papers
I hope you have a good day :)
Meh. I'd just like the LMG back tbh.