We at Hellas Basin Brewery are a community of guardians who are focused and engage with everything Destiny 2 has to offer. This encompasses a serious endgame community that is friendly, mature and gets things done. Our mentality is to experience Destiny 2 as a whole, share this experience with like-minded people, and have a great time doing it. We take pride in the accomplishments of the clan and clan mates, which means we don't take shortcuts, cheese, or checkpoint trade our way to success as it diminishes said achievements. Consequently, this means playing with the clan and actively being part of the community is something that is expected, in order to grow and take your place in Hellas Basin Brewery. If this sounds like a community you want to be a part of and fits your play style, here is a list of what we expect to see from you as an applicant.
•We communicate exclusively through Discord. So, Discord is a must
•To reiterate: we do not cheese, CP trade, or exploit the game in any way. Doing so will result in loss of membership.
•We are a community-first clan. Every member is expected to engage with our group.
•Up to date on all DLC
•Have a MIC
•Treat others with Respect & represent the clan in a positive fashion.
If you are still interested and this fits your ideals, drop an application at our clan page on bungie.net. Once you have applied, an admin will reach out to you via DM on bungie.net.
Here is a link to the clan page
Don’t fight it, join ✨