I'm a little late to the party, but the Wings of Sacred Dawn exotic chest surprised me. I've been getting destroyed by a bunch of players who were high in the air recently and not missing shots and thought, "what if I could do that?" So I saw this in my Vault and I never really used it before because I thought being suspended in the air would leave me wide open too much, but that large aerial effectiveness bonus was pretty appealing, so I decided to give them a try.
I have never been so wrong to judge an exotic armor piece in my life. I've been thoroughly reminded by my recent games with it that players really, REALLY don't like looking up (I would know). I'm also not a fan of using snipers, but because everyone kept dunking on me with them and some jukes, I also decided to try a sniper with it. I've gotten multiple air-scope precision kills with it in one day because of this setup and it even helped me clutch up a close match where I bodied someone from the air across a decent distance (not really across the map but non-high-impact frame auto rifles usually have notable damage falloff from that range) and quickly tapped them down with The Summoner auto rifle from just as far, still in the air.
It also has this nice slide in the air when you aim down sights with momentum going that I've definitely made use of.
I respect this exotic now.
You know what I don't respect? Promethium Spur. I only respect the users who try to use that exotic. It needs serious help.
...Yeah, I was seeing if I could make a build with that one. No.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Wings of Sacred Dawn. Sweet Business. [b][i]Become an AC-130.[/i][/b] [b][i]Embrace the BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT.[/i][/b] -
I haven't used that since red war campaign
Ive tried it, in trials it’s always fun to get the drop on the first round. You gotta take them off after one round though, once everyone realizes to start looking up, that small Damage resist is not going to be enough to save you.
Oh look, duck hunt.
I can’t do it until they give a dragon wings ornament. I refuse to do the butterfly wings haha.
Flying warlocks with scout rifles are really dangerous. Warlocks with wings of sacred dawn are not.
Honestly, Swarmers is where its at. Those unraveling projectiles are something else.
Edited by Oinkthebaconking: 1/3/2024 10:04:52 PMBad advice. Floating only works against bots. Warlocks need to stay on the ground and use cover properly. The floof is a death sentence. A better pvp exotic is to use arc soul with the gauntlets(can't recall the name) and get aggressive with an SMG. Or use Nezarec and go all void and devour. Or use Ophidians and crush all gunplay. Literally anything is better than floofing .
I'm tired of warlocks flying almost out of the map, we need a invisible barrier putting in
There's a lot of exotic armor and weapons that are low-key amazing with the right synergies with your weapons perks and abilities.
For pve use it with eyes of tomorrow
I actually agree in terms of its potential, but if Bungie hasn’t fixed an issue (at least on Xbox controller) where deactivating tome of dawn cancels your glide, and depending on the weapon you’re using it can happen quite frequently. which in turn can be rather strenuous on your hands (at least when I was toying with the exotic), which could eventually result in repetitive stress injuries.
Transversive steps only tbh.
I tried it for PvE back during the [i]Craftening[/i](tm) but even with refilling the magazine on a kill it still felt too strange to use for me. Perhaps I just don't really grasp the floating play style (or even the blink play style), but I did want to enjoy it with the Seraph title for fun. Maybe once Radiance is out then it will feel a bit better, though that remains to be seen. I haven't tried to use it in PvP yet, but maybe I'll give it a try eventually.
I dunno. Whenever I float even an inch out of cover in PvP I usually get immediately destroyed. Maybe going higher will help. I should try it later.
Remember, most players can't look up!