Please can we revisit our resil changes? Almost every activity Hero and up is proving to be difficult unless running hard meta. Even then, with our level capped out at 1815 in most activities, it is almost pointless to have anything under 90 resil. Even that feels squishy on the right class (Hunter). We have activities where enemies are spawning nonstop in a respawn restricted zone. If I am doing an random fireteam the whole team is struggling, and most will straight up & leave the activity. Personally, activities are barely doable solo, I am having to schedule times to play with my clan just to get an efficient run in. So anyways, back to the topic at hand. Please revisit resil. I should be able to log in after a long day in the outside world, and actually complete my activity without feeling like I sacrificed my time or patience.
It should be 1.50 instead of 1.30 and recovery should be based on healing within a half second of not receiving damage and everything else that isn't a great value