I want to preface this by saying yes I understand that Destiny is an MMO with grinding/rng mechanics, however I don't think I'm wrong in saying that RNG catalysts are a large frustration within the player base. I have been playing since the D1 alpha on 360 and have over 4000 hours on the games combined and remember the days of exotics being extremely rare and at times some felt impossible to acquire however there were guaranteed ways of getting them, although cheesy (i.e. deleting a character to get the guaranteed in prison of elders). While this was quite grindy, it felt rewarding in the end to have that chance of getting a new toy. Catalysts in Destiny 2 though are another case.
I personally love the catalysts that are acquired through quests and wish every one was like that. Recently I have been using rat king a lot and have been trying to acquire the catalyst for it. This week alone I have done 109 nightfalls, 26 strikes and 2 grand masters and have only received 1 catalyst for merciless. I have been playing since red war so this doesn't include the hundreds maybe thousands of strikes I have done in the past without the catalyst dropping either. This honestly makes me feel like quitting the game and that I am wasting my time.
There are hundreds of reddit threads and forum posts talking about how ridiculously low the drop rates are, especially for older catalysts. I think most can agree that the current system does not feel rewarding or interesting in any way. Grinding the same nightfall for days is not how most people want to spend their precious time away from jobs or other responsibilities. RNG catalysts design feel extremely outdated and harmful to new and experienced players alike.
I am aware of the rumor that completing older unfinished catalysts may increase the chance of new ones dropping. I have completed every single catalyst I have possible as soon as they dropped except for 2, (Suros Regime & Vigilance Wing), with no luck or significant change in catalysts dropped. I'm not saying the rumor isn't true but players should not have to bank on a rumor to acquire a catalyst they have been trying to get for years. This feels as though the devs do not value the players time and that's a huge factor in someone dropping a game or choosing not to support it.
Overall, I and many others, believe the drop chances need to be increased in some way or they need to be given a system to increase said chances. Even something small such as changing the chance from lets say 1% to 5% would be so much better than what we currently have. The current system is frustrating, drawn out, uninspired and at some points down right unfair. I'm sure that the fix is not something hard to do and could be thrown in with a twab or rolled out on a weekly reset.
Please bungie, this has been a frustration for so many people for so many years. Even something small would do wonders. If any players have similar issues then please reach out in any way you can because I understand bungie is a busy company but if we can bring this close to their attention then maybe we can see positive change.
Just add them to the tower kiosk and call it a day. They're almost 6+ years old at this point