I understand that work for the final shape is being worked on but just alter some numbers and PvP will be happy for awhile.
Main issues:
Match making (not stacking the same number of fireteams on teams, solo players forced into duo matches, Lobby balancing issues)
Hunters using strand (overused/abused it’s an autopilot build)
Bows (too easy to sit back and wall hack Wish ender mainly)
Checkmate being forced on players (make it selectable)
Map rotation being to heavy on certain maps (add map voting it’s really not hard)
I think the PVP team are being lazy at the moment with communication. We asked for a PVP team so this wouldn’t happen anymore yet it is.
Don’t ruin PVE while balancing PVP as that is not what we want.
A lot of good work is being done and I really appreciate that but a lot of players aren’t happy with the lack of communication. Just go on twitter to update us on what is going to happen instead of waiting for the TWID.
We aren’t asking for full update tweets but pipeline info would be great.
Edit 3: WE DID IT. Bungie have released the following for a PVP UPDATE COMING MARCH 5th
For PvP, we're addressing current pain points:
🏹 Reduced Bow Aim Assist and damage vs. players
🎯 Reduced Wish-Ender Truesight uptime
👥 Reduced Threaded Specter uptime
🥐 Reduced Threadling damage and maked them easier to destroy
When was the last time the game had 6v6 Checkmate? It should probably stick to having that as an option for checkmate for now and possibly for comp. But trials being all about Destiny should probably have most of the stuff in it. Maybe just nerf the things that make the mode so no one wants to play it? Ideas from 2018! I got a million of em! [quote]Match making (not stacking the same number of fireteams on teams, solo players forced into duo matches, Lobby balancing issues)[/quote] People are not going to figure out how to deal with the matchmaking on their own. Especially since it can change. Some of the things people think they're supposed to see in all or most of their matches are precisely why this game has an unnatural unholy skill system. The map rotation is very old feeling. There are other maps and some people would like more arena style maps (whatever that would look like in this game) but sometimes it does start to feel like you've shot every shot on these maps a million times. Some type of semi regular PvP focused information would be cool. A lot of the problems are due to the horrid misinformation echo chamber that can exist around this game and people have grown very adept at the art of complaining over the years, so it would be nice if we could have a dedicated channel where we could be the first to know when PvP in this game gets turned off. Then back on. Then back off. Then back on.