(1) Nobody Wants to Scroll Through All of Their Guns to Find an Auto Rifle They Need for a Weapons Challenge.
(2) Sort by Energy Type (Solar, Void, …) iN Game!
(3) Sort by Level (Highest to Lowest) iN Game!
(4) Thank You.
Edited by Raijinmeister: 3/15/2024 3:46:24 AMThey will not do it because some 3rd party site already did it. This game is plagued with outdated mechanics and 20/30 years old video game logic and for a looter game, it does a worse job in inventory management than any Bethesda game will ever do.
THIS 1000%
It's just another example of outdated game design that needs to be brought up to date.
Yeah the in game vault is messy. That’s why I like the App, since it separates primaries, specials and heavies and makes it 20x easier to find a weapon.
A huge quality of life change would be better gear management or gear category tools in game. Would probably fix a good chuck of players issues with vault space some people, me included, dont want to spend much time managing vault, so we keep asking for more vault space.
It’s so weird how you can do this in the app but not in the actual game
They couldn't figure out a way to monetize this feature so they won't ant blame it on "lack of resources"
Edited by Temp: 3/14/2024 3:27:29 PMOkay but only if we can vault everything pre final shape. That includes the tower.
Why would they want to implement a change, that will decrease the time spent in game?
Edited by Raven-Ghosthawk: 3/14/2024 7:54:16 AMI suggested something like this way back regarding coloring all equipment; IIRC, was specifically for manufacturer/faction/mode source, like coloring all weapons from Omolon or FWC (Future War Cult).
Light.gg has this, what reason bungie can't do the same?
I didn't even read the post before upvoting. This should have been an option since release day.
they can do it, but it will break the game and it will be a paid option obviously 😂
And for the lords sake please lose sidearms and auto rifles as primary or secondary
People still access in game? It's so much easier with API
I thought old Destiny 1 had that option for the Vault at the old Tower? Cuz I want an option to be able to list all my handcannons or my different seasons of messengers pulse rifles together so I can see what I really have and manage my Vault space better. And why are my Messengers all scattered? I find like my first 2 Messengers on one page, then 1 of my adept one on next page and another on the page after. It’s annoying as a group of hive thralls attacking you all at once in all directions.
Any sorting options, along those lines would be welcome!
Edited by whateverman7: 3/13/2024 3:40:08 PMTldr: sort the vault in game like it is on the app lol. I agree
DIM easily solves this and the Bungies implementing this would probably demolish what's left of the game.
I like this idea.