(1) Nobody Wants to Scroll Through All of Their Guns to Find an Auto Rifle They Need for a Weapons Challenge.
(2) Sort by Energy Type (Solar, Void, …) iN Game!
(3) Sort by Level (Highest to Lowest) iN Game!
(4) Thank You.
I thought old Destiny 1 had that option for the Vault at the old Tower? Cuz I want an option to be able to list all my handcannons or my different seasons of messengers pulse rifles together so I can see what I really have and manage my Vault space better. And why are my Messengers all scattered? I find like my first 2 Messengers on one page, then 1 of my adept one on next page and another on the page after. It’s annoying as a group of hive thralls attacking you all at once in all directions.