The Warlock set is entirely missing the luxuriant classic look Hunters have, but also missing the advanced, distinct look Titans will wear. I'm just not sure how else to describe the genuine disbelief, shared by many of my fellow dress-wielders and I. Just.. what?
Not even going to use the community slang that's latching on to the Warlock chest piece already. And the helmet with the rectangle smoked-glass, featured on 98% of our helms already, literally doesn't even look finished.
Short of taking the game offline, or mandating a triple-Sidearm sweeper bot loadout, I could not be any less interested to play Into The Light than I am right now.
For one of three classes, there's no pride/veteran/flex/"I was there" feels waiting for us. Just embarrassing armor, paired to uncool kit, that looks and plays a full generation behind.
Please reconsider. Thanks for reading.
Should have brought back a cool D1 armor with a Duster jacket or something, oh well.
As a fellow dress wearer, I’ve just come to accept that Bungie hates Warlocks. They’ll always have a sub-par power fantasy and aesthetic.
Edited by Lich: 4/1/2024 5:56:30 AMLich
There's no skill in team shooting! - old
All bungie does is take shortcuts when it comes to warlock designs. In both abilities and armor. I remember when we got menagerie armor, and it was a copy paste armor from d1s iron banner. They didn't even try and hide it. Then we get a dumbed-down version of sunsinger while titans and hunters get a new style super in final shape. -
Edited by ForeverLaxx: 3/29/2024 7:01:15 PMAll three are overdesigned. Like the Japanese fantasy game artists that can't stop adding more belts, or Liefeld never cutting back on the number of straps, pouches, and guns, Bungie's armor design team just cannot put the stylus down and doesn't understand the concept of "less is more." As an artist myself, it's painful to see these abominations ship so consistently with such developer confidence behind it all. EDIT: Had to replace a completely innocuous word with another since Bungie's filter is draconian and archaic.
You know it's a bad Warlock set when the boots are the best part. I don't mind the helmet because of the idea behind the sets, but the oven glove gauntlets are bad and the first thing I thought of when I saw the chestpiece was that it's what an alien doctor would wear in a terrible low-budget sci-fi.
The words luxuriant and Hunter definitely belong in the same sentence.
As usual…all of those armor sets look like butts.
The Hunter set really isn’t that good. The only notable piece is the helmet, and maybe the cloak. That being said…yeah you warlocks got screwed. There ain’t a single good thing to be said about that set.
My catsuit benefits nothing from the Hunter set.
It’s the -blam!- child of the hunter Fortnite armor (the stuff on the chest) and azoth bend from d1, with the hoses from the season of the deep armor.
[quote]The Warlock set is entirely missing the luxuriant classic look Hunters have, but also missing the advanced, distinct look Titans will wear. I'm just not sure how else to describe the genuine disbelief, shared by many of my fellow dress-wielders and I. Just.. what? Not even going to use the community slang that's latching on to the Warlock chest piece already. And the helmet with the rectangle smoked-glass, featured on 98% of our helms already, literally doesn't even look finished. Short of taking the game offline, or mandating a triple-Sidearm sweeper bot loadout, I could not be any less interested to play Into The Light than I am right now. For one of three classes, there's no pride/veteran/flex/"I was there" feels waiting for us. Just embarrassing armor, paired to uncool kit, that looks and plays a full generation behind. Please reconsider. Thanks for reading.[/quote] It was always the worst out of the 3 parade sets. Was still a little shocked by how much worse it was bloated to the other two though, lol.
I hated it when I saw it too, another armour set I won't care about due to it looking horrible
The Titan is okay. The other two look like garbage. Wish they'd timegate those and not the weapons.
They all look hideous to me. Feels like the only "inspiration" they pulled from the vanilla armor sets was the color. To each their own though.
Not a Warlock so by all means feel free to ignore this but with the right shader I think it'll look sharp.